Wer sind wir?
Wo ist die Liebe geblieben?
Was hat man mit der Liebe gemacht?
Wird Liebe leben überhaupt noch verstanden?
Die Liebe ist traurig, wurde weggeworfen - braucht man nicht mehr.
Die Liebe fragt, schreit nach:
Anstand, wo bist du?
Ehrlichkeit, wo bist du?
Achtsamkeit, wo bist du?
Höflichkeit, wo bist du?
Freundlichkeit, wo bist du?
Rücksichtnahme, wo bist du?
Gehorsam, wo bist du?
Vertrauen, wo bist du?
Helft der Liebe wieder ihren Urstand zu finden und lernen wieder Liebe zu leben!
Darf gerne geteilt werden...von ABA Fr 17 Jan 2025, 20:00
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Der Rekord liegt bei 575 Benutzern am Di 05 Dez 2023, 20:43
"the honest is always the stupid". Breaking the ring wall!
Zurück zu den Wurzeln - Haus IsraEL :: back to the roots house IsraEl, english departement :: back to the roots :: theology :: what may words mean?
"the honest is always the stupid". Breaking the ring wall!
Again I seem to pay for my unawareness. Asking myself if I ever would learn the lesson. Often people abused my honesty, thinking I was an easy vehicle for their evil aims. Thinking back, my life is a mixture of naivity, bitterness, fear, pain, sickness and weakeness.
Now, the only good at all, is pure love. Even my dear parents failed so often, like myself. Current friends in my city r not better, weak humans me alike. So, human love is not strong enaugh in itself. There must be something else and someone else. The name of this one?
It is known by ancient cultures. The Syrians called him "El", Arabs knew him as "Elaha", later "Allah". So, we can spell "Him" better than "him". He must be the greatest, in case of creation. There was no coincidence nor `evolution´.
Paleontologists and antropologists propagate it, supportet by datas they proclaim as real. Do´nt believe that!
The most of them r liars and betriers, shouting their fakes in all publications as being facts. They r academics who have no right to tell u they were scientists.
And our politicians? Though we shall pray for our governments, we have to hold a mirror before them the same time. If we keep silence, we support their evil plans to be done. Oh no!
It is our very first citizen duty to let our voice be heared loud and clear. And, if they try to drag us to the silent ground, we r forced to revolt.
Now, people, the choice is up to us. Will we be sheeps to the slaughter once again? Or will we stand upright and fight?
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Zurück zu den Wurzeln - Haus IsraEL :: back to the roots house IsraEl, english departement :: back to the roots :: theology :: what may words mean?