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Freundlichkeit, wo bist du?
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what is love -2-

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what is love -2- Empty what is love -2-

Beitrag von Eaglesword Sa 27 März 2010, 22:47

orginal by Elishua, translation by Eaglesword)
Love, beloved, do love, to love is written in the Bible. G'd is love, it says about an Agape- love, which is nothing else than the Ahava- love of G'd and G'd is love! Is all the same. Now, how it is understood? Well, this YHVH showed me:
Love meanes for example:
I feel relation to somebody, have friendship with, I like this human, my neighbor, probabely because of he/her is patient, friendly, understanding and attending. Another one I could especially like for the lovingkindness, thereof, I adore and love this human, friend, partner, neighbor, this generation and so on.
Somebody loves to be in the wilderness, with another word, likes to be there, likes the wilderness.
Somebody loves icecream, with another word, likes ice, is much more enthusiastet by crocant icecream.
The one is enthusiastet by this book, the other by another book or movie. With another word, they love the book and movie.
Some say: "I love working the garden", with other words: "I gladely do it", "I do it with pleasure"
The one prefers this animal, because it is cute, the other prefers another animal by it´s cuteness
Somebody likes to talk and play with the neighbor, others like to go out with friends and so on.
We could make a long list of these thing. All we do, should happen by love- no matter how lo the costs.
This is just one example of thousands. Now, what about our Creator, the G'd of love?
to like
liking to do
being glad, being joyful about
like u, love u
like to be with u
loveful = kind, cute, nice
investing time, listening
willingness to help, to help
giving, doing good (more about later on)
trusting, believing (more about later on)
not to push own will
to accept the next with his/her fails
to accept
grace, mercy
to honour, to appreciate
All these mentioned words r words of love- He does it by love and in love to us- these words r in Him, our creator and Father YHVH, and He is the ultimatively love! G'd is love, is named love!
Well, as we see now, the word "love" is more than just a word. How going on?
All these words, which r in YHVH, r also in us. He shared His love to us, these words! We still have not acknowlegded it.
more next
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