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I am not better than...

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I am not better than... Empty I am not better than...

Beitrag von Eaglesword Mo 05 Apr 2010, 15:04

Beitrag von Eaglesword Gestern um 1:32
Well, often we may state it. But, if we r not better than others, would it mean, we were as evil as them? I Cannot agree with it. Just because there is a distinction in the Tanakh and same in the `NT´, telling us about "rigtheous people" and "wicked people".

If our G'd Himself makes this difference in proving people, so, what would it mean, when we do not, when we count ourselfs "to the outlaws"?

Reading Zack/Sech 11:4-17, we see how the evil shepherds really r. There is a pointing to the future, to the giving Yeshua into the pagan´s hand, vers 10-13. Before the man received 30 silver, he broke the staff of the friendliness to "all populations/nations". This is a hint, maybe to G'd. Taking it serious, we see that once was- or still is- a covenant between the man and all menkind, what ever it ment.

Vers 14 reports us the bitter truth of today, as we see, what is going on within and without YisraEl. So, no wonder that many Jews/Yisraelites without Yeshua reject those who r with him as being heathens and "no longer Jews".

We see the extremes on both sides:
Hypocrits who think to be better than others, and humble ones who think to be as evil as the wicked ones.
Today I do´nt agree with both viewpoints. We, being renewed and cleansed "by the blood" of Yeshua, r "no longer in the status of sinners". Thereof, we r better than wicked ones. Please, let us learn to see it as a fact.
Still "the flesh wars against the spirit within us", but this is another circumstance than still being a sinner. The epistles tell it very clear:
We were former sinners, now we r children and "housemates" of our G'd. How long will we ignore it? Well, we know the doctrines of the "forgiven sinners" or "rigtheous made sinners", both contradicts in themselfs. What r we now? Sinners or rigtheous ones?

Please, let us think a new thaught. Not former doctrines alike, but a thaught of the Bible.
The Tanakh and the epistles r full of this grace, reporting us that G'd changes our status. If He changes- who r we to slander back into half and half position?
Let us think a new thaught.
Streber - gut so!
Streber -  gut so!

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