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NObama Empty NObama

Beitrag von Eaglesword Mi 21 März 2012, 19:18

he violates the citizen´s liberty and right for life
Streber - gut so!
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Deine Beiträge : 5206
Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
Wie alt bist du : 61


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NObama Empty Re: NObama

Beitrag von Eaglesword Sa 29 Nov 2014, 17:47

Lassies and ladds,
here is a message from Pakistan:
" Europe in the last days
150 Millions Muslims of Pakistan is most brutal Cannibals, vampires on the planet earth. I was raised there and have seen blood all over the streets. These Muslims pour acid; pull eyes and burn the houses; no evidence left. Christians not allowed to touch. The more people; these Muslims kills; the more pride and honored. The president of Pakistan killed more ... See more people than Saddam Hussein. Obama secretly deals with Muslims.

Where is Western civilization standing? No condemnation; no embargo; paying your tax payers $$$$$$$ rewards to Muslims for butchering Christians in minority.

Where are moral values of the West disappeared? The Muslims Ahamdies are given refugees status but not to Christians of Pakistan. Buying votes over Christians blood.

Atheist Brack Hussein Obama digging the holes for 300 Millions Americans with secretive deals with Muslims of Pakistan and over Billion of Muslims.

The U S president; Brack is certainly not the ROCK. This president Brack Hussein Obama is also NOT THE DREAM OF MARTIN LUTHER KING.

Americans rise up and defend United States of America. Americans aught to know; How Obama got elected by abolishing and stripping the democratic rights of voting of State of Michigan and Florida and did not allow the people of these two states to vote.

Obama spent Trillions and half in 21 days. Kenya won’t pay off the debt. The unborn babies would be born with 5 digits dept to pay.

The city of Chicago community worker became the most powerful man of the earth to launch war at home on 300 Million Americans. What is the difference between United States of America and Muslim Pakistan? Darkness is not over skin complexion but darkness over hearts with smoky dark fat.

Where is God? Where is Humanity? Where is morality? Where is $ bill; which states: “ In god we Trust"?

Obama has plundered you and gave away to Muslims Blood.

“ WHO? Brack Hussein or Americans? NO ONE BELIEVE; UNLESS SEE THE SPILLED MILK. !!!! ."
Streber - gut so!
Streber -  gut so!

Was bist du : Männlich
Deine Beiträge : 5206
Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
Wie alt bist du : 61


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