Wer sind wir?
Wo ist die Liebe geblieben?
Was hat man mit der Liebe gemacht?
Wird Liebe leben überhaupt noch verstanden?
Die Liebe ist traurig, wurde weggeworfen - braucht man nicht mehr.
Die Liebe fragt, schreit nach:
Anstand, wo bist du?
Ehrlichkeit, wo bist du?
Achtsamkeit, wo bist du?
Höflichkeit, wo bist du?
Freundlichkeit, wo bist du?
Rücksichtnahme, wo bist du?
Gehorsam, wo bist du?
Vertrauen, wo bist du?
Helft der Liebe wieder ihren Urstand zu finden und lernen wieder Liebe zu leben!
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unseen eternal
Zurück zu den Wurzeln - Haus IsraEL :: back to the roots house IsraEl, english departement :: my poems
unseen eternal
I ruined my life
and now I sit in a darkened room again
there is no need for telling me
oh I know the broken pieces all
none can accuse me
for what I would not see
by my own eyes
none has the right
to slice my head
I see the fists
formed against my life
stones of words
thrown towards my soul
none can accuse me
for what I would not see
by my own eyes
none has the right
to slice my head
I know the penalty requirements
they all r human selfishness
brought up of unclean minds
ur own impurity speakes by ur lips
none can accuse me
for what I would not see
by my own eyes
none has the right
to see me dead
U were always in my mind
though I ruined myself
I could not leave U
and U not me
all my days
passing away
time runs into nothing
but still I´m alife
U were always in my mind
Though I ruined myself
I could not leave U
and U will not leave me
Re: unseen eternal
This is written for people who suffer prison for nothing, only because they disagree with fascists.
Zurück zu den Wurzeln - Haus IsraEL :: back to the roots house IsraEl, english departement :: my poems