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in unity against jihadism

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in unity against jihadism Empty in unity against jihadism

Beitrag von Eaglesword Di 29 Okt 2013, 12:28

Zuletzt von Eaglesword am Di 05 Nov 2013, 15:39 bearbeitet; insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
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Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
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in unity against jihadism Empty Re: in unity against jihadism

Beitrag von Eaglesword Fr 01 Nov 2013, 15:41

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in unity against jihadism Empty Iran

Beitrag von Eaglesword Mo 04 Nov 2013, 17:45

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in unity against jihadism Empty Re: in unity against jihadism

Beitrag von Eaglesword Di 05 Nov 2013, 15:41

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Streber -  gut so!

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Deine Beiträge : 5206
Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
Wie alt bist du : 61


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in unity against jihadism Empty Iran

Beitrag von Eaglesword Fr 15 Nov 2013, 19:53

ongoing news on the nuke zigzag
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Deine Beiträge : 5206
Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
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in unity against jihadism Empty another voice dares

Beitrag von Eaglesword Do 21 Nov 2013, 17:00

to speak it out:

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Deine Beiträge : 5206
Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
Wie alt bist du : 61


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in unity against jihadism Empty the Secure America Now site

Beitrag von Eaglesword So 24 Nov 2013, 18:40

Security Update

This morning in Geneva, the United States and other world powers agreed to a deal with the radical mullahs in Iran over their nuclear program. What details have been released indicate it is a very bad deal for the United States and can be interpreted as rewarding Iran for its decades of radicalism and terror.

Even more important, Obama and Kerry seem to naively believe Iran can be trusted. What gives them that idea? Iran has been lying and terrorizing the west for over 30 years. Nothing has changed. In fact, the United States went down this path with North Korea and it lead directly to its getting nuclear weapons. Read this article which sheds more light on the Iran deal.

A Bad and Morally Indefensible Deal (NationalReview.com)

By Jack David, November 24, 2013 1:00 AM

The announcement that the P-5+1 (the five U.N. Security Council members plus Germany) reached a nuclear deal with Iran has just been made. A few details of the deal have been announced and there likely will be others. But what has been reported so far is sufficient to conclude, as Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu said of the draft deal reported two weeks ago, that "this is a very, very bad deal."

The Iranian "concessions" thus far announced are unimpressive: Iran will stop enriching uranium beyond 5 percent; it will install no additional centrifuges; it will convert the 100 pounds or so of 20 percent enriched uranium which quickly can be converted to weapons-grade uranium to something harder to convert to weapons-grade uranium. Iran has not agreed to dismantle any of the thousands of centrifuges it has installed and continues to operate; to send any of its 20 percent enriched uranium out of the country; to close the nuclear facilities which will soon provide it with plutonium with which to make nuclear weapons; to stop its testing of long-range missiles; or to cease its support of terrorist activities by Hezbollah and others.

The United States has reportedly agreed to provide Iran with $7 billion in sanctions relief. This relief doubtless will help Iran in many ways, not least the “right” to continue the dangerous nuclear-weapons development and terrorist-support activities which it has long maintained. It will not be in the least surprising, as more details of the deal are announced, to learn of other benefits provided to Iran to induce it to agree . . . to something – anything.

The U.S., by pressing forward with this very, very bad deal has further eroded its dwindling international credibility. No country in the Middle East will perceive U.S. agreement to this deal as anything but further evidence of its weakness, further evidence that the U.S. is content to undermine its historical alliances, expressions to the contrary notwithstanding.

In defending the deal, the United States (and perhaps others among its P-5+1 partners) doubtless will point to the fact that it is only an interim step and that Iran has agreed to allow International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to visit its still-operating facilities. Given Iran’s long history of preventing IAEA inspectors to do their jobs and its long history of flouting its obligations regarding its nuclear program, the value of this Iranian promise should be discounted to zero.

In a speech in Tehran this past week to a crowd of thousands that was was broadcast live, Iranian Supreme leader Khamenei attacked the U.S., France, and Israel, saying that "Zionist officials cannot be called humans, they are like animals," that “the Israeli regime is doomed to failure and annihilation," that the "Zionist regime" is the “rabid dog of the region."

The deal the U.S. and its partners just struck with Iran is a "very, very bad deal" as a practical and a political matter. In the context of Khamenei’s contemporaneous statements and the background of so many other statements of similar stripe, it is also morally indefensible.

— Jack David, a senior fellow of the Hudson Institute, served as deputy assistant secretary of defense for combating weapons of mass destruction and negotiations policy from 2004 to 2006.

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Secure America Now is a non-partisan group of Americans concerned with protecting America's security. We bring critical security issues to the forefront of the American debate.

Our mailing address is: 1025 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20036
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Deine Beiträge : 5206
Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
Wie alt bist du : 61


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in unity against jihadism Empty libanese reporters

Beitrag von Eaglesword So 26 Jan 2014, 21:52

in an interview with IDF
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Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
Wie alt bist du : 61


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in unity against jihadism Empty they never want real peace but always destruction

Beitrag von Eaglesword Do 03 Apr 2014, 17:16

Streber - gut so!
Streber -  gut so!

Was bist du : Männlich
Deine Beiträge : 5206
Dein Einzug : 12.10.09
Wie alt bist du : 61


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