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the antijewish conspiracy

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the antijewish conspiracy Empty the antijewish conspiracy

Beitrag von Eaglesword Di 29 Okt 2013, 11:44

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the antijewish conspiracy Empty Re: the antijewish conspiracy

Beitrag von Eaglesword Fr 01 Nov 2013, 06:58

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the antijewish conspiracy Empty www.mjmi.org

Beitrag von Eaglesword So 03 Nov 2013, 09:51


Head of Taliban Killed in U.S. Drone Strike

The head of the Pakistani Taliban has been killed in a U.S. drone strike, Sky News reports, according to U.S. and Pakistani officials.

A senior U.S. intelligence official confirmed the strike, adding that the U.S. has received positive confirmation that Hakimullah Mehsud has been killed.

The strike, carried out in Pakistan's North Waziristan tribal region, also killed four other suspected terrorists, according to Pakistani intelligence officials quoted by Sky News.

Mehsud, who was believed to be aged in his mid-30s, was one of Pakistan's most wanted men. He has been reported dead several times before.

The U.S. offered $5 million for Mehsud's capture after he appeared in a video with a Jordanian suicide bomber who killed seven CIA employees at a base in Afghanistan in 2009.

Mehsud is also believed to be behind a failed car bombing in New York's Times Square in 2010, as well as brazen attacks inside Pakistan.

The U.S. National Counterterrorism Center describes Mehsud as "the self-proclaimed emir of the Pakistani Taliban."

The CIA and the White House have declined to comment on the death.

A drone strike killed Mehsud's number two in May and one of his most trusted lieutenants was captured in Afghanistan last month.

Kerry to Meet with Abbas in Palestinian Authority Tuesday

US Secretary of State John Kerry is set to meet with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas in Bethlehem this Tuesday in renewed efforts to resume peace talks, a Palestinian Authority official claims.

The move follows Israel's announcement this week to build 1500 new housing units for Jewish residents in Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria after releasing 26 convicted terrorists to those regions, as well as to Gaza, as a precondition to negotiations.

Palestinian Liberation Organization leaders reportedly met in Ramallah on Thursday to discuss new ways to prevent Israel from building more Jewish neighborhoods, and to launch other campaigns to place Israel under international pressure.

Kerry is also scheduled to visit Israel next week, in the next step of the US's plan to broker more peace talks after a nearly three-year hiatus. Both stops are mere parts of a regional tour to discuss the wider issues in the Middle East, including the Syrian civil war.

Israel to Ramp Up Building in Jerusalem

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu early Wednesday morning announced a major increase in Jewish building projects in Jerusalem.

The announcement came just hours after Netanyahu had freed 26 blood-soaked Palestinian terrorists as a "peace gesture." The new building projects were themselves seen as a gesture to the Israeli public that had so opposed the release of jailed murderers.

The new building plans are to include an additional 1,500 housing units in the neighborhood of Ramat Shlomo in north-eastern Jerusalem, a large new visitors' center at the City of David archaeological park outside the Old City, and a new national park on the slopes of Mt. Scopus.

Ramat Shlomo was at the center of a rift in Israel-US relations in 2010 when the municipality announced new building tenders there during a visit by US Vice President Joe Biden. Washington supports the Palestinian claim to the eastern half of Jerusalem.

The City of David archaeological park is situated in the volatile Arab neighborhood of Silwan, another local flash point, and the new park on Mt. Scopus will reportedly prevent the expansion of nearby Arab neighborhoods.

Hagel Expedites V-22 Sale to Israel Amid Syria Strikes

US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel announced Thursday that he gave orders to expedite the sale of six vertical liftoff V-22 Osprey aircraft to Israel, making Israel the first country besides the United States to have the plane in its military arsenal.

The move allows Israel to take priority ahead of the US Marine Corps in the aircraft's production schedule, according to Defense News. The first planes will likely be delivered within the next two years.

Built by Bell Helicopter and Boeing, the plane is intended to ensure Israel's qualitative military edge.

The news comes only 24 hours after the IAF reportedly struck a Syrian base in an operation to prevent SAM-8 advanced missiles from being transferred to Lebanon. Israel has previously come under heavy rocket fire from Lebanon and engaged in two defensive wars there.

Israel initially made the weapons deal for the aircraft, along with advanced missile systems, in April this year. The move was seen as expressing the viability of military action in Iran and Syria, and was criticized by Iran as potentially leading to "regional instability." Iran's nuclear program has been a major threat to stability, with many fearing a regional nuclear arms race.

Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon stated Friday that the Iranian nuclear threat must not be overlooked, leaving the option of a possible Israeli military strike in the region open for the time being.

In early October, Yaalon met Hagel, his US military counterpart, to discuss the Israeli acquisition of two squadrons (a total 48 aircraft) of F-35 stealth fighter jets, with their delivery anticipated to begin in late 2016.

Peres: Israel Has Secret Weapons

Israel's air force is globally recognized as one of the best. But it also possesses hidden weapons that have never before been seen, Israeli President Shimon Peres cautioned last week.

"Not all of the IDF's and the air force's capabilities are open to view. Whoever derides us and seeks to harass us should take this into account," Peres said during a visit to the large Palmachim Air Force base.

The remarks were taken as a none-too-subtle warning to regional enemies like Iran and its proxies in Gaza and Lebanon.

IDF Chief of Staff Gen. Benny Gantz followed the president by stating, "We are ready 365 days a year, at any range and facing any challenge. ...The air force is our main system for deterrence, offensive and defensive action, and has fantastic technological abilities."

While there is no doubting Israel's military prowess and technological capacity, many both in Israel and among its supporters abroad would argue that the Jewish state's true "secret weapon" is none other than the Almighty.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu suggested as much from the podium of the UN General Assembly last month.

Netanyahu pointed out that despite the odds being stacked against them, the Jews had reestablished their ancient nation-state in direct accordance with the Word of God. And, as the Bible clearly states, "people of Israel have come home never to be uprooted again," concluded the Israeli leader.

A survey conducted by Israel Today last year found that while nearly all Israelis are proud of their army, a firm majority ultimately places its trust in God for deliverance from the nation's enemies.
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the antijewish conspiracy Empty what if IsraEl was named `Palestine´?

Beitrag von Eaglesword Di 05 Nov 2013, 15:21

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the antijewish conspiracy Empty Farobamaw says about Netanyahu

Beitrag von Eaglesword Do 07 Nov 2013, 16:56

"polite" words
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the antijewish conspiracy Empty Netanyahu´s important speech

Beitrag von Eaglesword Fr 08 Nov 2013, 15:57

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the antijewish conspiracy Empty Re: the antijewish conspiracy

Beitrag von Eaglesword Fr 08 Nov 2013, 18:56

filty Farobamaw donates Iran. Whatch following

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the antijewish conspiracy Empty now the time has come

Beitrag von Eaglesword Sa 09 Nov 2013, 15:26

to follow the appeal
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the antijewish conspiracy Empty the western lands lose their sanity

Beitrag von Eaglesword Di 12 Nov 2013, 22:35

Ire and others allow primitive media propaganda like it was before times of persecution against Israelites
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the antijewish conspiracy Empty NY Times again

Beitrag von Eaglesword So 17 Nov 2013, 17:23

and it´s new photo game
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